School Policies

Legal Holidays

School will be closed on the following days - Christmas, New Years, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Election Day.


Student receiving a failing grade are placed on probation until a passing grade is received.  Students who receive two failing marks are counseled by the instructor or school official.  A third consecutive failing grade will result in dismissal.

Enrollment and Credit For Previous Training

Acceptable credit for previous training or education will be awarded if a transcript or other validating papers are furnished.

Enrollment is open. Applications will be accepted at any time.

Classes begin on the first Tuesday of each month. Other classes will be organized at the option of school officials when there is sufficient demand.

Conduct & Re-Admission

Students shall be a credit to themselves and to the school.  All school rules must be followed. No alcohol or drugs shall be allowed. The school administration maintains the right to dismiss students for violation of school rules or for conduct which reflects unfavorably on the reputation or operation of the school and the student professional image.

Students who have been dropped or dismissed may be re-enrolled by special arrangement with the school administration.


Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes. Medical, serious illness, and death in a family absences, or tardiness are to be made up with special arrangements with school officials.  Excessive absences will be a basis for dismissal.

Diploma / Certificate

A Diploma or Certificate of Completion shall be awarded to each student who completes all of the course requirements

Grading & Progress Reports

A - Excellent ...................... 90-100%
B - Good .............................. 80-89% 
C - Fair .................................. 70-79%
D - Poor ............................... 60-69%
E - Failure ..........,,,,,............. below 60%

Progress reports are available on request after class hours.  Grades below 60% are unsatisfactory.  Special assistance is available by the instructor upon personal request.


Although our school maintains a 90% plus placement rating, the school does not guarantee placement of its graduates. A placement service is maintained to assist students who have satisfactorily completed the training required to obtain employment.

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